
On stage at Interaciton18: Avoiding Over-ruled: Better Products in Regulated Industries

Our talk starts at 22:10

I had the honor of presenting with my legal colleague, Shauna Kashyap, Lead Product Counsel, Collective Health.

 The description of the talk is below:

Healthcare is one of the most highly regulated industries β€” and it’s also one that is most ripe for innovation. As a designer, how do you challenge assumptions and precedent and create a product that is best for the end user while still operating within tight legal restrictions?

As designers we are well equipped to tackle these industries: we are risk takers, we challenge assumptions and precedent, and focus on what is best for the end users. Our legal counterparts, however, may seem at odds with our core desires to simplify, beautify and clarify. Bringing real change to highly regulated industries last touched by design means bringing not just innovation to this space but to the relationship between designer and lawyer working in the challenging context of such industries.

In this talk, a designer and a product lawyer from a fast-growing, design-centric healthcare technology company give insight into their journey of reshaping the relationship between legal and design and how it has led to a new and effective way of working together; ultimately creating beautiful, design-driven healthcare products.


Izac Ross